
  • Developed a frontend application using Angular(Typescript) 12 with Material

  • Implemented responsive designprinciple utilizing flexbox, media queries, and breakpoint-observer to ensure adaptability across desktop and mobile interfaces.

  • Created a resource dashboard component that fetched usage data from the backend using websocket(leveraging the RxJS library) and visualized it with Ngx-Charts.

  • Developed tickets component with Angular reactive forms.

  • Developed a ticketing system backend microservices using Gin(Golang), GORM, PostgreSQL. Leveraged OAuth2and OIDCfor login of admin accounts, and GORM for SQL database operations.

  • Developed client affiliate system frontend component with Angular and implemented additional features for billing microservices using FastAPI(python), SQLAlchemyand PostgreSQL. leveraged python type hint to implement strict-type python.

  • Wrote test cases and conducted Angular unit tests using Karmaand jasmine. conducted backend tests with go test and Starlette.

  • Implemented an automated format checking and unit testing pipeline using Linux Bash, GitHub Action.

  • Leveraged PWAand service workerto enable instant page loading on revisits.

  • Utilized Angular i18nto generate multi-language interfaces.

  • Worked with Git, Agile/Scrum, JIRAas project management tools/methodologies and Docker, Postmanas daily development tools.