TRAK Companies

  • Developed a job board application with Angularwith PrimeNG

  • Refactored and rewrote legacy JavaScript code to Angular components with TypeScript.

  • Implement job list, search, filter, and application form, following Angular design best practice and implemented features with Angular components, directives, pipes, services, modules, routing, reactive forms, etc.

  • Developed navigator and side-panel, following responsive design pattern to fit user interface to devices of all widths with Angular breakpoint observer.

  • Implement login with a 3rd party account with OAuth2. Allow users to login with Google or Facebook accounts.

  • Leveraged central state management with NgRXand Rxjs, utilized store, selector, action, effect to detect change and manipulate data.

  • Wrote unit test cases code and conducted unit tests in jasmine.

  • Improve web accessibilitywith WAVE and Chrome lighthouse.